Monday, March 1, 2010

Neechabhanga Rajayoga

Even if a planet is debilitated in the horoscope, he is capable of conferring rajayoga on the native under certain circumstances. This situation is called neechabhanga. The conditions are :

The debilitated planet
1. aspected by the lord of that sign or
2. in a kendra from lagna or chandra

eg: In the case of Sukra in debilitation it should be aspected by Budha for the first condition. For the second condition Sukra should be in a kendra from lagna or chandra.

Lord of the debilitation sign
1. in a kendra from lagna or chandra or
2. in a kendra from the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet.

eg : for Sukra in debilitation, Budha should be in a kendra from lagna or chandra for the first condition. For the second condition Budha should be in a kendra from Guru.

Planet that is exalted in the sign where the debilitated planet is placed -
in a kendra from lagna or chandra

eg : In the case of Sukra's debilitation, Budha should be in a kendra from lagna or chandra.

Lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet -
in a kendra from lagna or chandra

eg : In the case of Sukra's debilitation, Guru should be in a kendra from lagna or chandra.