Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Cancer - Is there a Ketu connection ?

At the outset -

1. This is not a conclusive study.

2. It is only an observation based on a few cases which I personally know.

3. This connection is not discovered by me, but has been in the circle for quite some time.

4. This is not an exclusive study in terms of its scope, only one factor has been considered without adhering to the established norms of research.

5. The purpose of this write up is to prompt more study into this area.

Case I

12, September1960 - 15:30 Baripada

Cancer of the nasopharynx ( nasal cavity )

Ketu in the 2nd house representing the said part of the body.

Case II

15,July,1962 - 6:00 Kolkotta

Cancerous tumor in the kidney

Ketu aspects the 7th house ( vasti ) representing the said part of the body.

Case III

13, August, 1955, 4:00 Mumbai

Cancer in the colon.

Ketu aspects the 7th house ( vasti ) representing the said part of the body.

Case IV

2,April, 1962  1:10 Mumbai

Cancer in the jawbone

Ketu in the 2nd house representing the said part of the body.

Case V

29, November, 1989 16:41 Chennai

Brain tumor

Ketu aspects the lagna representing the said part of the body.

Case VI

22, April, 1971 - 2:41 Mumbai

Tumor in the pituitary gland

Ketu aspects the lagna  representing the said part of the body.

Case VII

7, October, 1968 - 5:43, Mumbai

Brain tumor

Ketu aspects the lagna representing the said part of the body.


14, November, 1985 - 14:45, Ujjain

Cancer in the kidney spread all around .

Ketu in the 8th ( vyanjanam )

Case IX

13.December, 1951 , 4:41 Trichur

Abdominal cancer ( kroda )

Ketu in the 5th house

Case X

24, December, 2002 - 20:05 Ghaziabad


Detected during Ketu dasha.